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Rules & Regulations

All participants must comply with all rules, regulations, instructions and arrangement laid down by the Organizer. Any violation will result in penalty hour(s) or disqualification.

The Organizer reserves the rights to refuse any participants to participate in or continue the race.

All the Organizer's rights hereunder are expressly reserved including but not limited to the rights to commence legal proceedings against those who breach the rules, regulations, instructions and arrangements.

  1. On 14 October 2023, participants must meet the age requirement as follows: - solo participants of 40K Sprinter at 18 or above; - team participants of Family of 23K Leisure Runner at least 1 member aged 18 or above and 1 member aged 6-15; - team participants of Country Walk of 23K Leisure Runner aged 18 or above - team participants of other courses at 16 or above
  2. Participants must complete the application procedures including payment of application fees, minimum donation and deposit for timing wristband before application deadline as to be eligible for competing in the race.
  3. Participants must bring all required personal and team equipment(i) as specified by the Organizer and present them for checking. The Organizer reserves the rights to stop defaulting teams from continuing the race.
  4. At Start Point and throughout the race(ii), team participants must register and start at Check Points as a team with all members present.
  5. Participants (solo or team) will be ranked and be eligible to compete in the corresponding category only if they arrive and register at all corresponding check points within time limit designated by the Organizer in correct sequence throughout the race.
  6. Participants must complete the entire race on foot. Traveling on any form of transportation or subsidiary tools during the race(ii) is not allowed.
  7. Every participant must wear his/her number bib in front and be clearly visible throughout the race(ii) for identification purpose.
  8. For loss of number bib after the start of race, penalty hours(i) will be added and the number bib will be re-issued at the campsite. There will be a charge at HK$50 for each new number bib.
  9. Participants must store all the photos taken for registration during the event until one week from the day on which results are released.
  10. For loss and/or damage of participant wristband, participant must inform the Organizer immediately and wait for further instruction. The participant may continue the race only after getting the Organizer's approval. However, the result will not be ranked.
  11. For loss of map(iii) provided by the Organizer after the race starts(i), participants must inform the Organizer immediately and wait for further instruction. For Day 1 race, there will be a charge at HK$100 for the re-issued map and the participants may continue the race with the Organizer's approval. However, the result will not be ranked.
  12. Any form of external support is not allowed during the race(ii) (except when staying at the Campsite). Any violation of this rule will result in no ranking of solo or team result.
  13. Participants who cannot arrive at check point before the designated closing time must call the Event Hotline immediately. They should, according to the Organizer's instructions, stay at the nearest check point and wait for the arrangement of the Organizer. Under such circumstance, they may continue the race of Day 2 with the Organizer's approval, but the result will not be ranked.
  14. For safety reason, participants quitting the race due to personal affair, injury or sickness at any time must call the Event Hotline immediately. The remaining team members (at least two) may continue the race with the Organizer's approval, but the team will not be ranked.
  15. At the Campsite, participants should set up their tents and cook at specified area(s) according to the Organizer's instructions. No participants could leave the Campsite without the Organizer's permission.
  16. Participants must obey the country park regulations. No littering. No fire should be left unattended.
  17. Participants should obey traffic regulations and make use of the crossing facilities properly.
  18. Participants have to fill in Health Declaration & Declaimer form before registration at Start Point on Day 1. The Organizer reserves the rights to refuse any participants who have fever or other discomfort to continue the race.
  19. Whether it is before registration or during the race, the Organizer reserves the rights to cancel the Event for the sake of safety of the participants and volunteers or public health (e.g. under adverse weather conditions). The Event will not be rescheduled.
  20. All paid fees and accepted donations are non-refundable under any circumstances.
  21. All participants are required to agree on the disclaimer, personal information collection statement and private policy declaration for joining the event. Please refer to the full version of the disclaimer on the registration page.
  22. If participants find any participants violating the Rules and Regulations during the race, it is highly recommended that they report to the Organizer by the Event Hotline as soon as possible. Please also provide proof (e.g. photo) if possible.
  23. The Judgment and Appeal Committee is responsible for handling all complaints, appeals and making judgments for the race. The Committee possesses the right of making all final decisions relating to any regulations, complaints and judgments. Any complaints must be lodged in written form to the Office of Raleigh Hong Kong within one week after the announcement of official results. The Committee will reply to the complaints once decisions are made. Late submission or non-written complaints will not be entertained.

The Organizer reserves the rights to amend and interpret all the rules and regulations.


(i) Please refer to the Section “Required Equipment” for details.

(ii) The racing time of a team in Day 1 will be counted from the start time at Start Point and paused once after the team of all members arrived and registered at the event campsite. It will be resumed after completion of registration in Day 2, and ended when the team arrived at the Finish Point. For 1-day solo participant, the racing time will be counted from the start time at Start Point till arrival and registration at the Finish Point

(iii) The 1:20,000 map used in the race is the latest version provided by Lands Department

Liability and Insurance

Each participant is responsible for his/her own health and safety.

We recommend that you and your support crew have your own personal accident cover.

All participants join under their own responsibility. Each participant acknowledges that he/she is responsible for himself/herself and members of his/her support crew. Running / hiking requires good training and all participants declare that they are healthy and fit enough to do so. By subscribing, you expressly agree that the activity is undertaken under your own responsibility. You expressly agree to release the organization from any and all liability in connection with your athletic activities and you also agree that in no event shall the organization be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with Raleigh Challenge – Mountain Marathon.